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Let me talk about INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION : It occurs when the contents cannot pass through the intestine .it may occur in large or small instines with most occuring in ileum . CAUSES: it may be mechanical obstruction which may be partial or complete eg by a tumor ; fecal impaction ; hernia ; volvulus or adhesions . It can be also by neurogenic obstruction when a nerve supply to the bowel is interuputed by a trauma ; infection or medication s resulting in a portion of bowel b ... eing paralyzed that is why it is some times called a paralytic ileus ': SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS : Abdominal pain : initially pain is colicky and intermittent and later is continuous and severe .In small bowel obstruction pains begins around the umbilicus and in large bowel obstruction it is in lower part . vintage evening formal wears sales back to 1920s Vomiting early and persistent in jejum junction obstruction and feacal matter in large obstruction . Other details of the following signs visit my page Ask your doctor at Bukenya medical clinic . abdominal distention , constipation , dehydration , abdominal tenderness , respiratory distress : OBULAMU OBULUNGI