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SEX AND YOU If us men realise that all ladies taste the same,we would reduce marriage breakups. If all women would realise that a penis be it small or big can satisfy thm,ther will be no marital infedelity. FACTS ABOUT SEX men's sexual makeup ... Every penis is one and the same.dnt be leavng yo house to go n search fo bigger ones. A penis is a muscle which contract according to the amount of blood passing thru it.If your hubby's penis does not get full erection,be stylish.The more sexy you look as a wife,the harder the penis. not expensive wedding wears for summer Food for his penis Groundnuts contain a substance called niacen which helps to contract the muscles n allow mo blood to penetrate his penile arteries. Soya beans contain zinc will prevnt him frm erectile dysfunction(failure to hav strng erectn) Eggs contain lecithine which improves testorone levels.lecithine helps to hav longr sexual intercourse Free minded men perfom well tak care of yo hubby.he can satisfy u if th above steps ar folod. WOMEN'S sexual make Your wife must luk sexy to in order to mak u a man n tht is yo responsibility as a man. Most men complain that their wives' varginas are loosy n watery,there is a treatmnt to this. Firstly,remov yo frm pills to avoid excess wettness Foods fo her vargina Yogurt will help her varginal mucosae healthy so as to hav normal mucus secretion. Okra or sometimes called ladies finger can help thoz ladies who do not get wet. Garlic tightens the vargina. Moral Teaching The powers to make your marriage sexually stable is in both of you as husband n wife.dnt go out to search fo trouble.bless yo marriage by building it both of technicians are spouces. Iam your bro in Christ. # Lubinda ........